COVID Vaccine Information

We are extremely excited about the vaccine availability! We realize that there has been some recent communication via the media regarding the availability of the COVID vaccine for those 70 years and older (Phase 1b). To say the least, the medical community was caught off guard by the timing of the announcement without a solid and practical plan to proceed with communication, distribution and administration of this long awaited advancement. We do not have access to the vaccine in our clinic and it does not appear that we will gain access in the near future. At this point in time, we are referring patients to the county health department for the county in which they reside to obtain the latest details on phase 1b administration plan. Here you will find a timeline that illustrates a phased approach and specifics regarding individual eligibility. As we begin to move through these phases, we will continue to partner closely with you to provide any necessary documentation that you may need to justify your eligibility. This process will certainly require a lot of planning and organization to orchestrate successfully. We ask for your grace and patience as we continue to work diligently through this pandemic. We will extend any additional and appropriate details to our patients as we become aware.

To note, the UC Health system is currently running a pilot program that is involving a random selection of qualified patients. This may be happening within other health systems as well, presumably to trial how mass administration efforts can be accomplished efficiently. If you have heard of an acquaintance or a family member who has been able to receive the vaccine, this is likely why.

COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form
COVID-19 Vaccine Notification Sign Up
Centura Health Vaccine information page
Update from CDPHE